IEP Coaching


  1. Feeling part of the IEP Team; not an emotional wreck and feeling useless, overwhelmed, and afraid! As a part of the team, having the ability to set an agenda for your ADHD child.
  2. Understanding what drives the IEP process to set and achieve goals. So important to effectively advocate for and coach your child with ADHD.
  3. Feeling respect as an equal member of the IEP team. And knowing that you know your child best and as a result, can demonstrate wishes and goals for your child through the parent Input statement, inserted into the IEP.


ROOT:  Help to gather data that shines a light on struggles in school.  This data can be as a result of an informal gathering and/or professional testing and evaluations.

NEGOTIATE:  Discussions with the case manager/IEP team in prioritizing academic and functional needs and goals.  This can be directed towards current supports like an IEP or 504 or towards needs of new support.

MONITOR:  Whatever support is set up with the school, like an IEP or 504, requires home/school communication to ensure support is followed and to understand data and results of it.


Hi!  My name is Karen Lowry.  My first job as a young master-prepared RN showed me the way as I dealt with critically ill kids and their families.

When there is a need to intervene for a child, there is also that need to support the family.  I did this as an RN and now as a Master IEP Coach for families with kids with ADHD.  This part of my journey of the past ten years comes from my own personal experience with my youngest son.  Navigating the education system and effectively advocating for your child is intimidating without support.

ADHD is misunderstood and invisible; a disability that carries with it many executive functioning deficits and behaviors that many believe can be controlled by the child.

I am passionate about helping families understand unique and often misunderstood challenges of ADHD and transferring this knowledge to effective advocacy for success and a healthy self-esteem.